Yes You Can!

Some of us have been Shelter in Place, well into our second week, others are about to join the ranks. For some it’s a major life change, others who have worked from home, may have had an easier adjustment.

No matter where you are on the spectrum, you may be feeling like you have lost control of your life and the freedoms we have typically taken for granted. Big shift from how life was, less than a month ago. We have outside forces, instituting restrictions, for the greater good. Now there are a lot of Can’t’s in our lives.

Science says, “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”. So, if we have Can’t’s, there are also Can’s. You can choose to focus on the Can’s and not obsess on the Can’ts.

I love the Broadway theater So Irving Berlin’s lyric “Yes I can” pops into my head from “Anything You Can Do” - Annie Get your Gun.

Let’s let go of the Can’t’s we can’t control and focus on the Cans. Here’s list to start you off. *


  • Whether or not others follow the rules of social distancing, but I CAN be sure that I and my immediate family, follow CDC recommendations. The sooner we contain this virus, the sooner “normal” will return.

  • The actions and attitudes of others, but I CAN control my own actions and be sure that they are being tempered with a little extra kindness, generosity and grace.

  • The amount of toilet paper on the grocery store shelves, but I CAN choose to only take what I need and not hoard that or any other important supplies so that others can have access as well.

  • The sensationalism and constant barrage of negative news stories that incite anxiety, but I CAN control what I see by limiting my exposure to updates from a trusted source and filtering out all the chatter. (You don’t need to listen to the news 24/7.)

  • When schools will open again, but I CAN do the best that I can to be sure my kids have some structure, good nutrition, a reasonable schedule, time to play, creative projects and lots of attention & love. Children get anxious too and they look to us for cues.

  • How long this will last, but I CAN choose to be a part of the solution and stay well by socially distancing, hydrating, exercising, eating healthily, resting and finding fun things to do at home. This too shall pass, and you want to be in better shape when it does than even before!

  • Not being able to physically hang out with friends, coworkers and family members, but I CAN keep socially networking, using video chats, emails, thoughtful social media posts, and telephone calls. Our bodies may be isolated, but our souls need connection, so keep reaching out in more creative ways.

  • The restrictions on travel right now, but I CAN think about the future and where I will travel when it’s safe again.

Hope is a better emotion than despair. Choose hope.

Read what Michael Levitt, Nobel Laureate and Stanford professor of biology says about the virus slowing down.

Here are Good News articles. You can read those instead of the negative press.

I’ll leave you with a quote from Dr. Brené Brown:

“This pandemic experience is a massive experiment in collective vulnerability. We can be our worst selves when we’re afraid, or our very best, bravest selves. In the context of fear and vulnerability, there is often very little in between, because when we are uncertain and afraid our default is self-protection. We don’t have to be scary when we’re scared. Let’s choose awkward, brave and kind. And let’s choose each other.”

Keep your dreams alive. The time will come when you can take that trip that you have been wanting to take. Some of you even have future travel credits. An all-expense paid vacation is waiting for you. And when the time is right, we are here to make that happen!

In the meantime, take care, wash your hands, stay healthy!

*Thanks to Lisa Fletcher for inspiration.

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