Did you forget something?

In 2017, 52% of Americans did not take all their vacation days. 25% took no vacation days at all, according to State of American Vacation 2018, a study, by Project Time Off and the US Travel Association.

As a travel professional, I find these statistics troubling. More so from the terrible loss to an individual’s well-being. Let’s look at the benefits, to one’s personal and business lives, that get sacrificed, by not taking the allotted time off.

Many people believe, they will do better and advance at work if they don’t take time off. WRONG!!

According to these results, employees, who didn’t take their vacation time, were less likely to be promoted in the last year and over the last 3 years, were less likely to get a raise or a bonus. That doesn’t even take into account, the $6.2 billion in paid time off they forfeited. With vacation pay, it’s use it or lose it. Even more importantly, employers want employees to be productive, not just look productive. Less time at work can be more. See what “The Economist” has to say about this.

Lin Manuel Miranda, of Hamilton fame, claims that it was “no accident that the best idea I’ve ever had in my life—perhaps the best one I’ll ever have in my life—came to me on vacation.” Starbuck’s, Howard Schultz, came up with his concept on vacation in Italy in 1983. What mega ideas have you come up with at your desk at work? Not much according to Innovation expert Mitch Ditkoff, after interviewing over 10,000 workers over 30 years. Only 2% reported having a great idea come to them at work and here are all the reasons why it won’t happen at work.

Health and Happiness Benefits:

Studies show vacations are linked to prevention of coronary heart disease, reduced depression and reduced stress, in both your personal and business life.

This study also found a significant benefit to one’s happiness factor. Those who take all or most of their time off are 20% happier in their personal relationships, 56% happier with their health and well-being, than those that travel little or not at all. Those that take their vacation time are 28% happier with their companies and 28% happier with their jobs. And to top that off, are 18% more likely to get a promotion.

If these aren’t enough motivations for you to reconsider using all your vacation time, then what could more important than creating strong bonds with your family and friends? Please take a moment to watch this video before you answer the question: Who’s going to create those memories, if not you?

There is still time to take a vacation in 2018. I have some wonderful opportunities. You’ll be happier, healthier and more successful.

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